About Trigger Point Dry Needling

When muscles develop trigger points, they often become shortened and can create compression on the structures around them, which can cause immense pain and impair your ability to lengthen and/or contract a muscle. Dry needling deactivates these trigger points, which draws white blood cells and plasma cells into the area and creates a healing response.

Trigger Point Dry Needling is defined as the insertion of filiform (solid yet flexible) needles into trigger points/knots within the muscle belly to stimulate release of the firmly contracted tissue. It can also be used to facilitate muscles. It has long been proven to be an effective and efficient treatment to reduce pain, spasm, soft tissue restriction, and alleviate referred symptoms.

This form of intramuscular needling is commonly confused with acupuncture. The eastern medicine approach to acupuncture is based off of specifically mapped acupuncture points within the meridian system, a series of channels along which specific points are stimulated utilizing needles for both local and systemic benefits. Unlike acupuncture, dry needling is specifically geared towards utilization of needles to stimulate a twitch response, an instantaneous and brief contraction of the muscle which has been held in sustained contraction, to subsequently allow the muscle to release its chronic tightness and restriction.

Pro athletes, weekend warriors, high school athletes, and desk jockeys with poor posture behind a computer can all benefit from the uses of dry needling. Releasing trigger points reduces tightness, restriction, and inflammation, allowing your muscles to create greater power and endurance while decreasing overall symptoms.