
Trigger Point Dry Needling
(Intramuscular Therapy)

When muscles develop trigger points, they often become shortened and can create compression on the structures around them, which can cause immense pain and impair your ability to lengthen and/or contract a muscle. Dry needling deactivates these trigger points, which draws white blood cells and plasma cells into the area and creates a healing response.

Trigger Point Dry Needling involves placing very small filiform (solid yet flexible) needles into trigger points/knots within the muscle to stimulate the release of the firmly contracted tissue. This method is proven to be an effective and efficient treatment to reduce pain, spasms, soft tissue restriction, and alleviate referred symptoms.

Athletes and desk employees alike can benefit from the use of dry needling. Releasing trigger points reduces tightness, restriction, and inflammation, allowing your muscles to create greater power and endurance while decreasing overall symptoms.